When Choosing a Show to Watch

How much thought do y’all put into a choosing a show to watch?

Dangan-Roast Competition Idea! | Danganronpa Amino

I’m somewhat picky about the shows I watch. With so much anime out there, I want to make sure that I am enjoying my time. I do my research beforehand. I read the synopsis as well as a few reviews before I commit to anything.

There are some things that automatically make me uninterested while there are other things that pique my interest. For example, I like horror anime.

Some people get put off by certain art styles. Eh. I mean… my two favourite anime are One Piece and Kaiji. These are series that a lot of people say have “bad art.” I disagree but whatever.

When I start a show, the first episode is a dealbreaker for me. I know that a lot of anime viewers have a 3 episode rule but I’m not bothered to watch three episodes of something I don’t like. Then there are some people who never drop shows. These people never cease to amaze me. Sometimes I just stop watching within the first five minutes. Is that bad?

I’ve never thought much about the process of selecting a show so I’m interested in how you choose your shows!



p.s. I’m planning on watching Shinsekai yori. I think it’ll be good.

I have a few shows on my Plan to Watch list. Maybe I’ll write a post about it.

Anime Cosplay: Sing “Yesterday” for Me & Lovely Complex

I did these last month but never posted these photos to my blog. ><

Rou from Sing “Yesterday” for Me

Otani from Lovely Complex

The star is supposed to be on the other side of the cardigan but the front camera flipped it.

Expect more diary posts

I think I’m FINALLY getting used to being at home all day, every day. My kalimba arrived and it’s really nice.

I don’t feel that lonely. I play games with my BFF almost every night and we also exercise and draw together. She recently got a drawing tablet. I wouldn’t be doing these three things as much if it weren’t for her, to be honest. (Everything is done virtually.)

I watch shows with my other friends. We’re also practicing the kalimba together since we ordered together. & of course, I have my family, online friends, and a few other close friends.

p.s. I have a penpal. In December 2019, I wrote a post called The Significance of the Letter. Did you know that I’ve published over 550 posts?

Iced coffee

I really want to love this world

In my last post, I wrote about Haruma Miura, a Japanese actor who committed suicide. I felt very sad about his death, so I did this drawing.

I once thought of leaving and to exist in absence

是因为 那些旁白 那些姿态 那些伤害
It was because of those narratives, those stances, and those inflicted pains

I don’t want to leave

The above lyrics are from Hua Chenyu’s song, I really want to love this world.

Hua Chenyu said, “Hope everyone can pay more attention to the friends around them, and also correctly understand depression. When you are alone and lost, I hope this song can give you some courage, open the door, love this world, and let yourself be loved.”



This is not easy. But it keeps happening which makes me so upset and frustrated. I feel powerless sometimes… but I hope that this song will reach some of you out there, wherever you are.

Let’s fight together!

The Classroom of the Elite: Last Episode Reaction (Spoiler-Free)

I just finished The Classroom of the Elite. There was a bit more fan service than I would have liked but whatever. Minor details… The anime was great.

What I really want to talk about is the last minute of the last episode. It made me question everything I saw on the show. What the heck did I even watch? What!?

That was so awesome! It was a bit chilling, which is exactly the kind of thing I like. The one minute changed everything.

I’ve liked Kiyotaka Ayanokoji since episode 1. He is the most unfazed character I’ve seen. In the sub version, he sounds very bored with life. In the English dub, he sounds kind of sad. Although I think both are good, I prefer the Japanese –> sounding bored. You don’t see a character like Ayanokoji often, which was refreshing to watch.

The last episode though… I am shocked but feel quite happy at the same time. It’s been a while since I’ve watched something this interesting. I won’t spoil what exactly happened but I think that this anime is worth your time.

“The Truth” – The Classroom of the Elite & Durarara!!

So I started watching The Classroom of the Elite and I am hooked. It’s from 2017, so I am surprised I didn’t know about the anime earlier. They present a quote at the beginning of every episode. I thought that the quote for episode 4 was very interesting.

I also have other quotes that support this thought.

Do not expect people to tell you the truth because they also lie to themselves.” – Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

No one is truly honest…Even if we don’t lie to others, we often lie to ourselves. And the word good means different things to different people.”

Lastly, my favourite anime character, Izaya Orihara from Durarara!! talks about this in episode 2.

In regard to “Everyone’s the same” I do not believe he is referring to equality. The Classroom of the Elite talks about equality. I do not believe that humans are equal, nor do I think that humans are born equal. What I believe Izaya is talking about is specific to the context (see next screenshot).



OK, but why am I even writing about this?? Let’s just say that I think a lot, so much that my head might explode if I don’t write things down. I’m joking, of course.

To see a show talk about the things I think about is pretty sweet, as if my thoughts are being validated.

Anime Favourites A-Z Challenge

Thank you Lina for the nomination!


  1. Pick a favorite series/movie for each letter of the alphabet. For titles starting with “a” “an” or “the” use the first letter of the next word of the title.
  2. Since many titles have multiple names based on the language that you are using please pick one language for the entire list (Use all English titles or all Japanese titles) and let the readers know which language you will be using. If a title has the same name regardless of the language then it can be used in any list.
  3. If you don’t have a title that fits under a particular letter, you can name another favorite from a different letter in its place, just indicate which letter spot you are using for that series. This can be done up to three times. If you can’t fill a spot then you can leave it blank. No more than 26 total series are allowed.
  4. Including a picture for each series is encouraged.
  5. Share who tagged you for this challenge and nominate 3 more to try it themselves and include links to their blogs.
  6. Just have fun with this challenge. I wanted to get everyone to share some favorite series and to spread the word about awesome blogs!


Moyatori from The Moyatorium

Ono from Post Reflections

They’re my friends in real life too.



I’m sorry, but I’m going to cheat and use English and Japanese titles. >< I have two reasons. 1) I use English titles for certain anime and Japanese titles for other anime. I don’t have a rule for this. For example, Zankyou no Terror has always been Zankyou no Terror for me.

2) I don’t have a lot of favourite titles. If I stick with one language, I don’t think I can still call them my favourite anime.

Anyway, this is my blog so I don’t think rules matter that much. ❤



I will also write my 2nd and 3rd picks for some letters!

Since I will be writing my runner-ups, I don’t think I need to do Rule #3 (another rule I’m breaking, hahaha).

I can fill out all the letters (i.e. put down xxxHolic for X) but I don’t know if I can call them my favourites…

A is for After the Rain

You can read my review here.

B is for Babylon

You can read my thoughts on the first three episodes here.

C is for Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa

This is also known as Mr Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues. This is a spin-off of Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor. You can read my review here.

Runner-up: Carole & Tuesday

D is for Death Note

Runner-up: Durarara!!

E is for Erased

You can read my review here.

F is for Fune wo Amu

This is an underrated anime. I don’t have any negative to say about it.

G is for Given

You can read my review on episode 9 here. I cried so much when I watched this episode.

Runner-up: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, also known as Mo Dao Zu Shi. This is the donghua version of the Chinese drama, The Untamed.

H is for Heaven’s Memo Pad

This is an underrated anime. You can read my review here.

I is for Inuyashiki

You can read my review here.

J is for Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori

This is the second season. It’s also the best season (in my opinion). You can read my review here.

K is for Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor

Watch Kaiji!


M is for Made in Abyss

This anime looks cute but it’s definitely not for children. It’s very twisted. You can read my review here.

Runner-ups: Mob Psycho 100 II; My Roommate is a Cat

N is for Net-juu no Susume

This is also known as Recovery of an MMO Junkie.

Runner-up: Natsume’s Book of Friends

O is for One Piece

One Piece is my favourite anime.

Runner-up: One Outs

P is for Parasyte

Next To You is my current phone ringtone.

Q is for Quanzhi Gaoshou

This is also known as The King’s Avatar. There’s also a Chinese drama.

R is for Rising of the Shield Hero

This anime evoked a lot of emotions… especially anger. I wrote episodic impressions on this series. You can read part 1 here.

S is for Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2

Attack on Titan' S3, Pt. 5: The Fallen Ones | Attack on titan ...

Season 3 Part 2 specifically. It is terrifying.

Runner-up: Saint Onii-san

T is for Tokyo Ghoul Season 1

You can read my review on the final episode here.


V is for Violet Evergarden

I reviewed the Special episode that came out in October 2018. You can read it here.

W is for World’s Greatest First Love

This is also known as Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.


Y is for Yakusoku no Nebārando

This is also known as The Promised Neverland. You can read my thoughts on the first episode here.

Z is for Zankyou no Terror

Zankyou no Terror matches my taste in anime perfectly.