My Month in Pictures

The month hasn’t ended yet, but I didn’t want to wait. >< This post is more personal because normally only my friends IRL see them, but I wanted to be more intimate with my blog? That sounds weird LOL. I take lots and lots of photos every month, so these are just more recent ones.

Class was outside today


The time I had class outside 🙂 Blog post here.

Photos from my bday celebration

Guu Garden | sashami | Royal bento. Blog post here.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone ❤ 

My first time at Deer Garden | Wearing the sweater they got me hahaha | My sad hot drink compared to everyone else’s green milk tea LOOL

Doggy visit at school/UBC! 

They really liked my strawberry plush keychain lol | A’s snapchat LOOL | That strawberry girl is me xD

Photos from my bday celebration

Some of you have asked for a bday post, so here it is.




Guu Garden in Downtown Vancouver


I ordered the Royal bento box.

I celebrated with friends, and I’m going to see some friends tomorrow too. If anyone is wondering, I got a gift card, a wallet, bath bombs, a Tony Tony Chopper plush, a sweater, another gift card, and a painting of Roronoa Zoro my friend painted for me.