Princess Jellyfish – Tsukimi Cosplay

Princess Jellyfish is a cute anime series that follows a girl named Tsukimi. She loves jellyfish and she befriends a guy who likes to cross-dress.

Photo credit goes to one of my favourite friends in the whole world. We took these at the rose garden on my university campus during break!





Hair Cut+ My Instrumental Playlist

I did not expect my last post to be so popular, so I decided to blog again in the same style.

My friend and I went to a Korean salon after class and got hair cuts together. The hairdressers were young and pretty.

We ate kim bap for lunch and then got bubble tea at a nearby bubble tea shop. The app is called SNOW in case you were curious.

sweater – H&M (gift)

dress (gift)

cardigan (gift)

necklace (gift)

Here’s a playlist of instrumental songs I like. It’s not all of them because so many songs are not on SoundCloud. It’s a mix of sad/battle music/music box/violin/piano/everything. I find that instrumental songs are good for doing homework.

Vancity Eats (Part 4)

Here is another blog post on the food I’ve eaten with my main friend group in BC, Canada. Click on the links below to see previous posts.

Part 1 HERE

Part 2 HERE

Part 3 HERE

May 2017 

Kim bap at Hanock with A, G, J, V | Hot pot at Boiling Point with G

July 2017 

Sushi at Sushi Garden with G | Bibimbap at Masita Korean Cuisine with G | Sushi at Sushi Mura with A, G, V | Bubble tea at Jazen Tea with A, G, V

August 2017 

Ice cream at Rain or Shine with A, G, H | Brunch at Marulilu Café with A, G, V

September 2017 

Kim bap at Yogi Snack Bar with G | Pad thai at Freshbowl with J