My Favourite Outfits – Fairyland Lovers (2020)

Last year, I wrote a post about Aimi’s fashion style because I was inspired by her outfits. Lin Xia from the Chinese drama, Fairyland Lovers, is another fashion inspiration of mine. Her style is completely different from Aimi’s style.

These are my favourite outfits from episodes 1-29. (I’ve only watched up to 29, hahaha)

At Home:

I love how comfortable her outfits are. I’ve always liked baggy clothing.

I like that her hoodie has different colours.


Bai Qi (Lin Xia’s boyfriend) has incredible style, too. He has a more sophisticated style, whereas Lin Xia’s style is more cute.

Different-coloured hoodie again. I love her necklace. It’s so simple yet elegant. I want a necklace like that, hahaha.

This is one of my favourite outfits. I love her beret. She’s jumping to kiss him, hahaha. They are matching!

Her closet consists of simple and cute patterns. It’s a pretty colourful and light-coloured closet. *Looks at my closet full of black clothes.*

Another favourite outfit of mine. They are matching again. Bai Qi made the flower crown for her. XD

Jade Cheng, the actress who plays Lin Xia, is so beautiful. Bai Yu (Bai Qi) is too. Fairyland Lovers is an underrated drama. I recommend it! You can find the episodes with English subtitles on the official YouTube channel.

#Controversed Week 4

In this post, I’ll be writing about how I manage criticism on the blog and my thoughts on this topic. If you haven’t heard about the Controversed project by Moya, click HERE to read about the project and HERE for more information about Week 4.

Animated gif about gif in Anime by s a k u r a c o t t o n

I have received criticism regarding my blog, drawings, and cosplays before, but it’s happens once in a blue moon. I get a lot more compliments than criticisms. When I do get criticism, here are some things I think about:

  • Did I ask for feedback?
  • What is the commenter’s intention? Do they want to help me or are they saying it out of spite?
  • Do I agree with what they are saying? Even when I don’t, I still try to see things from their perspective. People’s feedback don’t always align with my goals. On the other hand, when giving feedback, you must consider the individuality of the content creator. Not everyone is going to want to do exactly what you do.
  • Is the issue something that’s out of my hands? If there’s nothing I can do about it, then I will just leave it.
  • How are they phrasing their words? Are they being clear and specific, or are they so vague that they’re unhelpful? If someone is rude, I will likely ignore them, which goes back to the second point on the commenter’s intention.

I will listen and try to understand why those comments were made, but I will not follow everything. Not going to lie, feedback when I did not ask for it can feel like mansplaining. I think this can be mitigated by the last bullet point on how you phrase your criticism. I’ve found some feedback incredibly helpful, but those were mostly when I asked for feedback.

When it comes to work or academics, I am a lot less critical of feedback. In fact, I often ask for constructive feedback. At work, there is a quality of standard deemed “acceptable” or not. When it comes to my personal blog that I just update for fun, I feel that it’s a lot more subjective.

I rarely criticise others because I feel that I would need to be really knowledgeable or really good at something to do that. When people ask for my feedback, I will let them know my thoughts. However, whether they decide to do something with it is up to them. I will not be upset if someone does not listen to my suggestions.

Heaven Official’s Blessing – Episode 5 Screencaps

I watched the episode twice today, which is something I never do. The episode was so amazing, I couldn’t help it. T_T

I’m surprised this got past the censorship.

Xie Lian was worried that San Lang was a ghost and was blocked by the talismans. He checked outside a couple of times. San Lang came back with materials needed to build a door because Xie Lian was lacking one. T_T

Xie Lian got caught staring.

Xie Lian and San Lang/Hua Cheng act like a married couple already. Jokes aside, I love this kind of wholesome relationship.

My Husbandos

Scott recently posted his Husbando post and I expect Nabe to do the same soon.

I’ve been told that I have questionable taste in anime boys. The reason is because I like villains.

Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!

The coat / jacket of Izaya Orihara in Durarara!! | Spotern

In 2018, I wrote a post called, Why I Love Izaya. You can check it out if you want detailed reasons as to why Izaya is my favourite anime character of all time. Izaya is an antagonist. He’s an underground information broker.

Sharing this again:

J from Bloody Monday

Bloody Monday is an amazing manga. The Japanese live-action is great, too. I love J in Bloody Monday: Last Season the most. That’s Bloody Monday 3, but I liked J since the beginning.

No surprise, but J is an antagonist. He loves melon soda, hence my username. He’s a genius and one of the leaders of an evil group.

Other Characters I Love:

I’m picky. Although I love a lot of characters (Click HERE for my 30 Anime Characters – Appreciation Post!) I’m not sure if I could call these characters my husbandos.

Juuzou Suzuya from Tokyo Ghoul

Juuzou Suzuya - Album on Imgur

Juuzou is a Special Class Ghoul Investigator, which means he helps humans. I think the lines between good and evil are blurred in Tokyo Ghoul. As humans, are we supposed to view all ghouls as evil?

Xue Yang from Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed

I ship Xue Yang with XXC so that’s why he’s not my husbando. Xue Yang is a villain.

Wow, this post is a lot shorter than I expected. Like I said, I’m picky.

Another Question

You can read my other Question post HERE.

A question for bloggers: Do you ever feel like some of your posts fade into irrelevancy as you keep putting out new posts? That they get buried deep in the archives? I guess this question applies for bloggers that frequently post.

I have over 550 posts. Maybe you can think of a few of my posts on the top of your head, but I’m guessing they’re the more recent ones. I won’t blog any less because of this, though.

Do you agree? Let me know your thoughts.

The Appeal of Chinese Singing Competitions & Survival Shows

A bit of information about me: In 2018, I was invested in Singer 2018, which is a singing competition for professional and well-established singers. It took place in China.

Earlier this year, I was super invested in Chuang 2020, a girls trainee survival show that took place in China. The 7-member group, BonBon Girls 303, was formed. I voted every day when it aired.

I’ve also watched a boys trainee survival show called Chuang 2019. The 11-member band, R1SE, was formed. I’m currently watching Super Vocal Season One, which is a singing competition for opera and musical singers.

Each episode is around two hours and the finales are around four hours. Two hours for one episode is not enough, by the way. There’s so much content that gets left out. You can probably tell that I like these types of shows.

Why, though? Note: A lot of these reasons are applicable to non-Chinese singing competitions.


A lot of the contestants already have established fanbases. I watched Singer 2018 for Hua Chenyu and I watched Chuang 2020 for Chen Zhuoxuan, Nene, and Joyce Chu. I’m watching Super Vocal for Zheng Yunlong and Ayanga.


I became a fan of Zhao Lei, Zhou Zhennan, and Liu Ye after I watched Chuang 2019.


Although these are competitions, there are moments of beautiful friendship between the contestants. In Chuang 2020, Nene cried because she was afraid that Wu Yalu was going to be eliminated. Nene had a secure ranking but the one she was worried about was her best friend. Liu Xiening and Xu Yiyang’s friendship was touching, too.

In Super Vocal, Zheng Yunlong and Ayanga’s friendship started from when they were roommates during their university years.


The contestants are hard-working and determined to achieve their goals. I know I felt inspired when I watched this scene in Super Vocal:

The contestants have to face a lot of challenges during the show, too. Although it’s challenging for them and entertaining for us, it pushes them to learn and grow as artists.


All the contestants are talented! Since these are singing shows, there’s obviously beautiful singing involved! Sometimes there’s rap, dance, and musical instruments too, depending on the show. Not only do they sing, they sometimes rearrange the music (Singer 2018, Super Vocal), write the music, and create the choreography (Chuang 2019). The art of performing in front of an audience is important as well as selecting the right song.

It’s entertaining!


Prior to watching Singer 2018, I didn’t really appreciate Chinese folk music. I changed my mind after I learned more about it and saw the hard work behind the scenes.


I’ve liked songs from musicals and opera for many years, but I didn’t know the meaning behind some of the songs. In Super Vocal, they explain the story behind the song.


This one is for survival competitions that involve voting. It’s exciting to support your favourites. There’s a reason to vote for them: So that they can debut (This depends on the show).

When Chuang 2020 aired, I had something to look forward every week.

Do you see why I like Chinese singing competitions now?

Anime Cosplays: Haru (Sing “Yesterday” for Me) & Masaomi Kida (Durarara!!)

Haru from Sing “Yesterday” for Me

Masaomi Kida from Durarara!!

Marry Me, or Not? (2015) – First Impressions

Marry Me, or Not? is a Taiwanese romance comedy drama. I am currently on episode 6.


I haven’t read a synopsis that actually tells you about the plot so here’s what happens:

Cai Huan Zhen and Hao Sheng Nan’s rivalry dates back to 10 years ago. At a class reunion, Hao Sheng Nan tells everyone that a man named Justin is her boyfriend. Justin is actually her older brother.

When Hao Sheng Nan’s finds out that Cai Huan Zhen is about to marry her relative, she schemes to make her look bad at her wedding. To her surprise, Cai Huan Zhen calls off the weddings and vows to take revenge.

Not only does Cai Huan Zhen start working at Hao Sheng Nan’s workplace, she also plots to steal Justin, “Hao Sheng Nan’s boyfriend,” away from her. Justin has his own motives for “dating” Cai Huang Zhen…


These two women are so petty! All of the main characters are power-driven and Cai Huan Zhen admits to being a b*tch in the first episode. I’ve seen far too many dramas of an “evil” character scheming against the innocent and naive character. In this drama, both women are horrible. That’s what makes this drama so much fun to watch.

Although these characters have pretty bad personalities, you can’t help but love them. Justin is charming, Cai Huan Zhen is smart and knows what she wants, and Hao Sheng Nan is hard-working. I think that deep down, they have big hearts.

The scenes between Cai Huan Zhen and Justin are hilarious. They both have their reasons for dating each other, as they are both cunning people. I haven’t laughed this hard while watching a drama in a long time. They have amazing chemistry, though.

Episode 1 screencaps:

Cai Huan Zhen and Justin’s first meeting as strangers and they are already arguing.

Cai Huan Zhen and Hao Sheng Nan show up at the class reunion with the same outfit…

Same outfit again.

Episodes with English subtitles are on YouTube. I recommend it.


What does authenticity mean to you?

I can’t help but think that I only present a certain side of me on this blog and my social media. My secret blog is quite different from this one.

I value authenticity. I strive to be an authentic person and I’ve been told that I am one. I haven’t been feeling like one lately.

I don’t think I’m fake, though. I just don’t show everything – There’s no good reason to, either. Isn’t everyone the same?




#Killstagram Chapter 34