Do You Have a Memento Box?

I was watching episode 18 of Gosick and the characters looked inside the contents of a memento box/keepsake box/memory box. I thought this was interesting because I’ve been collecting things that are precious to me in a box (even though I did not know that memento boxes were an actual thing). I started collecting things from age 13 and upwards.

Obviously the contents are personal so I won’t be taking pictures, but I can share what some of the things are:

  • polaroid picture with a couple of my closest friends
  • movie ticket
  • Purikura pictures
  • concert ticket
  • my draft for a letter
  • broken cat charm
  • ornament
  • wrapping paper
  • a letter to myself
  • birthday cards
  • goodbye letter
  • encouraging words from a friend

Kind of random, right? Now, I’ve been to many movies but I’ve only kept a single movie ticket. I’ve also only kept a select few letters and cards in my box (the rest are in the basement). Why these items in particular, I am not completely sure but it’s important to me that they are in my box. They are items that are unique to my life and I can associate them with good or bittersweet memories.

Do you have a memento box or something similar? Please let me know, I am interested to hear. 🙂

P.S. Merry Christmas!!!